
Become part of J&K's family

Comfortable office environment, home-like feel.

Rich employee benefits, work and be happy.

J&K is a team - she cares about everyone who loves her.

J&K is a platform - she gives each member the opportunity to show their abilities.

J&K is a picture-her gorgeous splendor is because of the talent that each one gives.

Join J&K! This is the place where your dreams take off.

Job search
PositionsNumber of people WorkplaceBenefits Date
sales specialist3TianjinFace to face2020-06-08+

Job responsibilities:

Foreign procurement2TianjinFace to face2020-06-03+

Job responsibilities:

Project Specialist3TianjinFace to face2020-06-02+

Job responsibilities:

六盘水市| 大名县| 繁昌县| 临漳县| 宿迁市| 襄城县| 福清市| 五莲县| 礼泉县| 沛县| 灌南县| 高雄县| 大邑县| 台南市| 平潭县| 沧源| 五原县| 凤庆县| 新田县| 文昌市| 广安市| 晴隆县| 龙胜| 苍南县| 石河子市| 香格里拉县| 舞阳县| 英德市| 壤塘县| 桂林市| 西安市| 许昌县| 府谷县| 沿河| 曲阳县| 土默特右旗| 汽车| 偃师市| 高安市| 互助| 乌兰察布市|